In person worship resumes on September 13. On-line worship will still be available via YouTube for those who are not comfortable gathering. Things will be different, so please note the following:
Before returning to church:
After all the above, you can then go into the nave of the church and be seated. Families together and individuals will be physically distanced. Unfortunately, you will not be able to sit with friends. Provisions will be made for caretakers to be seated beside the cared-for individual. Greeters will assist you. There will be no overheads. Individual service leaflets will be distributed for you to follow the service. Please take this bulletin home. It cannot be re-used. There will be no singing, except when we have one member in the choir. There will be no humming (a question asked). We look forward to your return and although we cannot hug, you can talk from a distance while wearing a mask and you can see if any of us have changed in appearance since March.