We value our calling to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ in word and in deed, and therefore strive to equip members to be able to name and respond passionately to our relationship with God in Christ.


We value our responsibility to nurture the faith of our members and therefore strive to provide educational opportunities to meet the needs and questions of our diverse congregration.


We value our collective ministry to respond to human need with loving service, and therefore to strive to identify and address local and global need, and develop, nurture, and celebrate the wide variety of ministries in which our members are involved.


We value our participation in God's transformation of the unjust structures of society and therefore strive to embody Christ's compassion in reaching out to society's marginalized and to work with others to bring about necessary change.


We value God's creation and therefore strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth.


We value God's generosity and strive to be a church rooted in thoughtful stewardship of God's abundance and in attitudes and actions of gratitude.


We value a faith that is alive, and therefore strive to be a church that is engaged by challenging questions and that provides a secure and open environment in which we can support one another in difficult conversations.


We value the stories of our faith, which tell of a God who welcomes the stranger and calls on us to do the same, and therefore we strive to be a church that embodies warm and undiscriminating hospitality.